HTML and CSS Certification

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HTML and CSS Certification

Candidates for this exam will demonstrate that they can structure a webpage using HTML elements and create and apply styles using CSS.



You will get this material for certification later and access to GMetrix and LearnKey


1.HTML Fundamentals

·         Construct markup that uses metadata elements  

·         Construct well-formed page markup

2.CSS Fundamentals

·         Analyze and implement inline styles, internal (embedded) style sheets, and external style sheets

·         Construct and analyze rule sets

3.Document Structure using HTML

·         Construct and analyze markup to structure content and organize data     

·         Construct and analyze markup that uses HTML5 semantic elements

·         Construct and analyze markup that implements navigation

·         Construct and analyze markup that uses form elements

4.Multimedia Presentation using HTML

·         Construct and analyze markup that displays images 

·         Construct and analyze markup that plays video and audio

5.Webpage Styling using CSS

·         Construct and analyze styles that position content 

·         Construct and analyze styles that format text

·         Construct and analyze styles that format backgrounds and borders

·         Construct and analyze styles that create a simple responsive layout

6.Accessibility, Readability, and Testing

·         Construct well-formed HTML and CSS markup that conforms to industry best practices

·         Apply accessibility principles and evaluate content accessibility

·         Evaluate the structural integrity of HTML and CSS markup

Steps Certification Certiport

1. Learn with Instructor and LearnKey for 1 Day

2. Practice with CertPREP for 7 Day

3. Final exam 1 hour in the computer laboratory


For more details, download the syllabus

Certificate Example


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