JavaScript Certification

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JavaScript Certification

Candidates for this exam will demonstrate that they can recognize, write, and debug JavaScript code that will logically solve a problem.



You will get this material for certification later and access to GMetrix and LearnKey


1.JavaScript Operators, Methods, and Keywords

·         Complete and debug code that uses assignment and arithmetic operators

·         Apply JavaScript best practices

·         Evaluate the use of internal and external scripts

·         Implement exception handling

·         Complete and debug code that interacts with the Browser Object Model (BOM)

2.Variables, Data Types, and Functions

·         Declare and use variables of primitive data types

·         Declare and use arrays

·         Complete and debug code that uses objects

·         Complete and debug code that uses built-in Math functions

·         Complete and debug functions that accept parameters and return values

3.Decisions and Loops

·         Evaluate expressions that use logical and comparison operators 

·         Complete and debug decision statements

·         Complete and debug loops

4.Document Object Model

·         Identify and construct the Document Object Model (DOM) tree

·         Identify and handle document, form, keyboard, and mouse events

·         Complete and debug code that outputs to an HTML document 

·         Complete and debug code that locates, modifies, and adds HTML elements and attributes to  documents

·         Create events using event handlers and listeners

5.HTML Forms

·         Complete and debug code that retrieves form input and sets form field values

·         Complete and debug code that performs input validation 

·         Describe the form submission process


Steps Certification Certiport

1. Learn with Instructor and LearnKey for 1 Day

2. Practice with CertPREP for 7 Day

3. Final exam 1 hour in the computer laboratory

 For more details, download the syllabus

Certificate Example


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