JavaScript Certification
Candidates for this
exam will demonstrate that they can recognize, write, and debug JavaScript code
that will logically solve a problem.
You will get this material for certification later and access to
GMetrix and LearnKey
1.JavaScript Operators, Methods, and Keywords
Complete and debug code that
uses assignment and arithmetic operators
Apply JavaScript best practices
Evaluate the use of internal
and external scripts
Implement exception handling
Complete and debug code that
interacts with the Browser Object Model (BOM)
2.Variables, Data Types, and Functions
Declare and use variables of
primitive data types
Declare and use arrays
Complete and debug code that
uses objects
Complete and debug code that
uses built-in Math functions
Complete and debug functions
that accept parameters and return values
3.Decisions and Loops
Evaluate expressions that use
logical and comparison operators
Complete and debug decision
Complete and debug loops
4.Document Object Model
Identify and construct the
Document Object Model (DOM) tree
Identify and handle document,
form, keyboard, and mouse events
Complete and debug code that
outputs to an HTML document
Complete and debug code that
locates, modifies, and adds HTML elements and attributes to documents
Create events using event
handlers and listeners
5.HTML Forms
Complete and debug code that
retrieves form input and sets form field values
Complete and debug code that
performs input validation
Describe the form submission
Steps Certification Certiport
1. Learn with
Instructor and LearnKey for 1 Day
2. Practice with
CertPREP for 7 Day
3. Final exam 1 hour in
the computer laboratory
For more details, download the syllabus
Training & Test
Training & Test
Training & Test
Training & Test