Adobe InDesign Certification

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Adobe InDesign Certification

Adobe InDesign is a powerful tool that sets the industry’s standard for print and digital page layout. Offering pixel-perfect control over design and typography, you can create elegant and engaging page layouts for print or digital media. Adobe has worked with industry experts, educators, and test-design specialists to define proficiency in Creative Cloud applications and identify the skills and knowledge necessary to start careers in digital media. 50-minute performance-based exams reflect extensive research on how professionals utilize Adobe software and approach creative projects. Through in-app tasks, realistic scenarios, and interactive questions, candidates demonstrate their familiarity with core product features and capabilities, as well as basic project management and design principles. Exams are rigorously reviewed for integrity and administered in Certiport Authorized Testing Centers. Successful candidates typically have 150 hours of instruction and hands-on experience.



Materials for certification, access to GMetrix and LearnKey


1.Working in the Design Industry

·         Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for preparing publications

·         Communicate with colleagues and clients about design plans

·         Determine the type of copyright, permissions, and licensing required to use specific content Demonstrate an understanding of key terminology related to publications

·         Demonstrate knowledge of basic design principles and best practices employed in the design industry

2.Project Setup and Interface

·         Create a document with the appropriate settings for web, print, and mobile

·         Navigate, organize, and customize the application workspace

·         Use non-printing design tools in the interface to aid in design or workflow

·         Import assets into a project

·         Manage colors, swatches, and gradients

·         Manage paragraph, character, and object styles

3.Organizing Documents

·         Use layers to manage design elements

·         Manage and modify pages

4.Creating and Modifying Visual Elements

·         Use core tools and features to create visual elements

·         Add and manipulate text using appropriate typographic settings

·         Make, manage, and manipulate selections

·         Transform digital graphics and media within a publication

·         Use basic reconstructing and editing techniques to manipulate document content

·         Modify the appearance of design elements using effects and graphic styles

·         Add interactive or dynamic content or media to a project

·         Create and edit tables

5.Publishing Digital Media

·         Prepare documents for publishing to web, print, and other digital devices

·         Export or save documents to various file formats


 Steps Certification Certiport

1. Learn with Instructor and LearnKey for 1 Day

2. Practice with CertPREP for 7 Day

3. Final exam 1 hour in the computer laboratory

 For more details, download the syllabus

Certificate Example


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