A. Background
Education is important in nation building because it can increase citizens' ability to seize opportunities and can further influence social change and economic growth. The creation of an educated society is a prerequisite for the formation of a society that is advanced, independent, democratic, prosperous and free from poverty as stated in Republic of Indonesia Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, which states that education is an effort so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble morals, and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. Therefore, efforts to improve the quality of teaching staff as the spearhead of education are imperative.
Scout educators who are adult members of the Scout Movement have duties which vary according to their function in providing scouting education for young members. Adult members are expected to continue to improve their abilities in accordance with their duties, functions, and roles through education and training. Educators in scouting are grouped into Scout Educator Staff, which consists of Scoutmasters, Scoutmaster Trainers, Pamong Saka and Saka Instructors. Education and training of adult members in the Scout Movement who are educators is held in the form of courses or training and meetings specifically for adults.
Education and training are efforts to develop human resources, especially to develop aspects of competence, which are appropriate to the field and improve the intellectual personality of humans. The success of implementing education and training is determined, among other things, by aspects of the management or administration of education and training. This includes, among other things: planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating.
B. Aims and Objectives
The Basic Level Advanced Scout Leader Course (KMD) is held for the general public or adult members who are interested in becoming Scout Leaders in the front group. KMD graduates are expected to become Scout Leaders who have and master a set of knowledge, scouting skills and information technology and have positive behavior as role models for their students.
C. Competency Standards
Participants are able to become Scoutmasters by using scouting methods in the scouting training process they provide, thereby producing Scouts who have character, nationality, life skills and care for the environment according to their level.
D. Method
KMD is organized with an adult education approach, focusing on progressive interactive learning with participant involvement. Delivery of material uses methods including Scouting Method, experiential learning, active learning, progressive, inductive, games, projects, performance and results.
E. Training Strategy
KMD is a competency-based course, so KMD must be implemented by implementing the right strategy so that the course output is in line with the expectations and potential of the host region. KMD strategy that must be implemented by the Coaching Team:
1. Participant data information. Participant data information related to age, occupation, education, gender, scouting experience.
2. Identify participants' initial understanding through an initial test. The initial test should
be carried out at least 1 week before the activity is carried out. 3. Determine the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM).
Determining the KKM takes into account the characteristics of participants (intake), the characteristics of the KMD material (curriculum complexity), and the supporting capacity of the educational unit (human resources and infrastructure). 4. Assemble a competent Coaching Team.
The preparation of the Coaching Team must pay attention to factors such as experience, expertise/skills, suitability or gender composition, etc. in order to form a solid Coaching Team composition that meets KMD's needs. 5. Determine Learning Methods.
One of the factors supporting the success of KMD is applying appropriate learning methods, of course by applying the Scouting Method as a method that must be used in every lesson. Other methods are selected by the Coaching Team and described in the KMD scenario as a guide.
6. Develop a KMD Scenario.
The KMD scenario that has been prepared is a guide for the Coaching Team to deliver all learning material. Apart from being a guide for the Coaching Team, the scenario is also a benchmark for the carrying capacity of the implementing committee or Education and Training Center.
The Coaching Team carries out a comprehensive KMD evaluation in the form of evaluating the delivery of the daily learning process, evaluating the initial and final tests, evaluating participants (individual, group and activity assessments), evaluating the Coaching Team and evaluating the implementation of the KMD through filling out instruments by participants. Trainer evaluation can be carried out after delivering the material using an online form or fill-in form.
F. Program Structure
The structure of the KMD program consists of; level of orientation, level of reinforcement, level of application and level of reinforcement.
1) Orientation Stage
This orientation stage is the introductory stage of entering the period as a KMD participant, with the aim that participants can appreciate the dynamics of the course journey, so that they are able to receive and understand the material optimally.
The Orientation Stage consists of the course opening ceremony, course orientation, initial test, group dynamics and preparation of a learning contract.
a) Opening Ceremony
The KMD opening ceremony was held to mark the start of the course implementation. All participants are required to attend the opening ceremony. b) Course orientation
The course orientation is delivered by the Course Leader with material on policies and processes for implementing KMD, with the aim of providing encouragement, motivation and hope to course participants to achieve optimal results.
c) Initial test
The initial test was prepared by the Coaching Team as an effort to find out the background and insight into scouting of KMD participants in general as a basis for decision making for the Coaching Team in determining the weight of material stress and the use of appropriate learning methods.
d) Group dynamics
The group dynamics are led by the Scoutmaster Trainer with the aim of lightening the atmosphere for the KMD participants so that they get to know each other and are able to support the learning process.
e) Study contract
A learning contract is a typical form of adult learning, in the form of a joint agreement between participants to create guidelines or rules during the course. This collective agreement contains, among other things, things that can and cannot be done during the course, dress code, study hours, distribution of picket duties, election of class administrators and so on.
2) Strengthening Stage
The Strengthening Stage is a set of KMD main material which consists of the leadership hours of the organizing quarter, the fundamentals of the Scout Movement, Basic Principles of Scouting, Scouting Methods, Basic Figures, Among Systems, the world of students, the posture of Scoutmasters, methods of developing students, front group organization and units, front group administration, and local quarterly content which is important as a provision for Scoutmasters.
3) Implementation Stage
The Implementation Stage is the application or field practice stage. Material development at the Strengthening Stage takes the form of simulation practices and field practices. The implementation stage consists of camp management practices, practice of various scouting skills activities, practice of various group ceremonies, practice of preparing unit training programs (S/G/T/D), simulation of achievement and inauguration of SKU, SKK and SPG, simulation of various group meetings, practice or simulation of building and fire practice
4) Level of Reinforcement
The Inauguration Stage is the internalization stage of the entire course implementation process. This stage is intended so that KMD participants are able to truly appreciate that they are ready to carry out their duties as a Scoutmaster who must be a role model for their students.
The Inauguration Stage consists of: reflection or contemplation of the Scoutmaster, open forum (training team, committee and course participants), evaluation of course implementation, preparation and signing of participant Follow-up Plans (RTL), final test and course closing ceremony.