1.Participants can understand aspects of employment and industrial relations.
2.Participants can understand the provisions of applicable laws and regulations and their correlation with employment problems that arise.
3.Participants can understand the basis of worker and management cooperation and the challenges of its implementation.
4.Participants can understand and find solutions to every existing employment problem.
5.Participants can understand how company regulations, collective work agreements and work agreements are formed
6.Participants can understand the status of their employment relationship
7.Participants can understand the provisions on wages and provision of allowances/facilities
8.Participants can understand the provisions of working hours, holidays and leave
9.Participants can understand about layoffs (PHK)
10.Participants can understand strategies for resolving industrial relations disputes
This Company Law and Industrial Relations training is taught by resource persons who are experts and experienced in this field with diverse and complementary backgrounds, namely public officials, former public officials, professors, lecturers and relevant legal practitioners.
This training is open to the public and can be attended by anyone, whether with a legal or non-legal educational background.
The material discussed in this training includes:
1.Introduction to Company Law and Overview of the Job Creation Law Limited Liability Company Law Cluster
2.Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
3. Company Corporate Actions and Legal Consequences for Workers
4. HR Concept in the Company
5. General views in practice regarding the comparison of Law Number 13 of 2003 to Law Number 11 of 2020
6. Contracts and Engagements on Employment and Industrial Relations
7. Occupational Health and Safety (K3)
8. Wage and Social Security Mechanism
9. Employment aspects from an international legal perspective
10. Potential disputes and preventive efforts: Best practices for resolving industrial relations disputes
11. Settlement of industrial relations disputes
12. Industrial Relations Court Procedure Law
13.Termination of Employment Relations
14. The consequences of bankruptcy for companies and workers
This Corporate Law and Industrial Relations training applies the experiential learning method, which is carried out in a communicative, interactive and participatory manner by emphasizing theoretical and practical aspects and involving the active participation of participants.
This Company Law and Industrial Relations training was held for three days. The first and second days were the delivery of material from the resource persons, then the third day was a simulation of assessing the results of the training.
Can be taken by Law Study Program students who are at least in Semester 2
Teacher/Instructor/Collaboration Partner
2.Certified Trainer;
Certificate Type
Training Certificate with description of the material and number of training hours
Training & Test
Training & Test
Training & Test
Training & Test