Paralegal Training (Khusus Mhs Univ Nusa Putra)

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Can be taken by Semester 1 Law Study Students


Paralegals are a very important component in achieving access to justice, especially in terms of providing legal assistance and providing legal empowerment for the community. Considering that paralegals have a large and crucial role and contribution to the provision of legal aid that was felt by the community before the legal aid law was passed. On the other hand, the fact that there is a limited number of advocates, especially the limited number of advocates who provide legal aid, has resulted in poor people's access to legal aid being very limited. Paralegals with various profile backgrounds including formal education, even though they are not law graduates or advocates, are representatives of society and/or communities who need legal understanding, and can be the spearhead for achieving access to justice in society.


1.Provide an understanding of law, rule of law, democracy and human rights;

2.Provide an understanding of the flow and methods of legal aid, along with basic skills in providing legal consultations, community counseling, and internship skills at Legal Aid Organizations.

3.Preparing participants to undertake internship work with advocates at Legal Aid Organizations.


1.Participants understand basic Human Rights (HAM);

2.Participants understand the Right to Health;

3.Participants understand the Right to Work;

4.Participants understand the Right to Education;

5.Participants understand and can identify various forms of violations;

6.Participants understand the Rights and Obligations of Patients;

7.Participants understand and explain paralegal material;

8.Participants understand Basic Advocacy Techniques;


This Para Legal training is taught by resource persons who are experts and experienced in the field of advocacy with diverse and complementary backgrounds, namely public officials, former public officials, professors, lecturers and relevant legal practitioners.


This training is open to the public and can be attended by anyone, whether with a legal or non-legal educational background.


The material discussed in this training includes:

1.Introduction to Law and Democracy


3.Community Structure

4.Legal Assistance and Advocacy

5.Human rights

6.Gender, Minorities and Vulnerable Groups

7.Communication Techniques for Paralegals

8.Legal Procedures in the Judicial System in Indonesia

9.Techniques for preparing report, complaint and chronological documents

10.Actualization of the paralegal role


This Para Legal training applies the experiential learning method, which is carried out in a communicative, interactive and participatory manner by emphasizing theoretical and practical aspects and involving the active participation of participants.


This Paralegal training was held for three days. The first and second days are the delivery of material from the resource persons, then the third day is simulations and assessment of learning outcomes.

Teacher/Instructor/Collaboration Partner

1. Certified academics/practitioners;

2. PERADI DPC Sukabumi City;

3. LKBH Nusa Putra University;

Certificate Type

Training Certificate with description of the material and number of training hours

Execution time

September – December 2024

Certificate Example

PERADI (Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia)

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