Legal drafting is an important element in legal practice. Legal drafting is a combination of two words, namely "legal" and "drafting". Literally, the word "legal" means something that is in accordance with legal provisions, while "drafting" means designing/conceptualizing. So legal drafting can be briefly interpreted as drafting legal texts/drafting contracts or MoUs.
The meaning and scope of legal drafting is different from the definition of legislative drafting. Legislative drafting relates to the drafting of legislative regulations made by authorized officials/institutions, namely in the form of laws, government regulations, presidential regulations, regional regulations, and other types of statutory regulations. Meanwhile, legal drafting is related to legal drafting made by legal subjects, both individuals and/or legal entities (authorized institutions), namely in the form of MoUs, cooperation agreements, agreements/contracts. So there is a difference in the focus of discussion of material between legislative drafting and legal drafting, although the general principles contained in legislative drafting material are still needed for legal drafting material.
A complete understanding of legal drafting is very important for legal practitioners in various fields and agencies. Legal practitioners are often faced with the situation of having to prepare legal drafts for the legal interests of themselves, their clients, or their institutions. Likewise for government agencies, state institutions, and institutions, bodies and commissions other than state institutions that have an interest in preparing legal drafting. The preparation of legal drafting must take into account the theories, principles and rules regulated by statutory regulations as well as universal legal norms, standards and practices. In this way, the validity of the agreed legal drafting product and the legal interests of the parties who drafted the legal drafting can be legally protected. However, the fact is that there are still many who do not understand how to prepare legal drafting correctly and legally.
This legal drafting training program was held specifically to meet the interests of legal academics and practitioners, government agencies, state institutions and all parties who wish to master skills in the field of legal drafting.
1.Know and understand the theory, principles and rules of legal drafting in preparing agreements/contracts.
2.Know and understand the preparation of agreements/contracts that are made to be valid, binding and enforceable.
3.Minimize legal risks that will have financial, social and economic implications due to agreements/contracts made that are not in accordance with the theory, principles and rules of legal drafting.
4.Have the skills to develop strategies, methods and techniques in negotiating, drafting agreements/contracts, reviewing contracts, and handling disputes that arise as a result of agreements/contracts between the parties.
1.Participants know and understand the theory, principles and rules of legal drafting in preparing agreements/contracts.
2.Participants know and understand the preparation of agreements/contracts that are made to be valid, binding and enforceable.
3.Participants are able to minimize risks that may arise from the agreements/contracts made.
4.Participants master technical skills to develop strategies, methods and techniques in negotiating, drafting agreements/contracts, reviewing agreements/contracts, and handling disputes resulting from agreements/contracts.
Legal Drafting Training This training is taught by resource persons who are experts and experienced in the field of legal drafting with diverse and complementary backgrounds, namely public officials, former public officials, professors, lecturers and relevant legal practitioners.
This training is open to the public and can be attended by anyone, whether with a legal or non-legal educational background.
The material discussed in this Legal Drafting Training includes:
1.Understanding, Understanding of Legal Manuscript Drafting/Contract Drafting or MoU (Legal Drafting).
2.Legal Theory and Principles of Agreements, Forms, Types, Types and Conditions for Validity of Agreements and Legal Consequences for Parties and Related Parties.
3.Preparation of Contracts (Contract Drafting) related to PT as an Independent Legal Subject
4.Agreement/Contract Language
5.Contract Design and Analysis
6.Techniques for Preparing Agreements/Contracts
7.Negotiation and Mediation Techniques in Making Agreements
8.Techniques for Preparing Official Documents
9.Contract Preparation Training (Simulation)elatihan ini terbuka untuk umum dan dapat diiikuti oleh siapa saja, baik yang berlatar belakang pendidikan hukum atau non-hukum.
This Legal drafting training applies the experiential learning method, which is carried out in a communicative, interactive and participatory manner by emphasizing theoretical and practical aspects and involving the active participation of participants.
This Legal Drafting training was held for three days. The first and second days are the delivery of material from the speakers, then the third day is a legal drafting simulation.
Teacher/Instructor/Collaboration Partner
1.Certified Academic/Practitioner;
2.PERADI DPC Sukabumi City;
3.Indonesian Notary Association;
4.LKBH Nusa Putra University;
Implementation Duration
3 days
Certificate Type
Training Certificate with description of the material and number of training hours
Execution time
September – December 2024
Training & Test
Training & Test
Training & Test
Training & Test